Lilica i Milica traze dom

Jao, to boli. :(

Lilic and Milica disappeared a few weeks ago. We found them today, are not in such bad shape as I expected, a little Lilic has a problem with the decline in the hair, but it will solve it. I placed them back on the old site but I can not stay there long enough, they urgently needs a home and there are good conditions for the life of these two beauties. They are urgently looking for a home.

Lilica i MIlica su nestale prije par sedmica. Pronasli smo ih danas, nisu u tako losem stanju kao sto sam ocekivala, mala lilica ima problem s opadanjem dlake,ali to cemo joj rijesiti. Smjestila sam ih opet na staro mjesto ali ne mogu tu dugo da ostanu, njima hitno treba dom i tu nisu dobri uslovi za zivot ove dvije ljepotice. One hitno traze dom.....

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Cijenimo Vaše mišljenje! Napišite ga..
